Designing for Accessibility: How to Create Safe Spaces for All Members

Episode 016
Welcome to the “Experience in Golf Clubhouse Design” podcast, where we explore the fascinating world of golf clubhouse design and its impact on members’ lifestyles. Join us as we dive into the details of architecture, interior design concepts, and the key elements that lead to successful golf clubhouses and resorts. Whether you’re a golf enthusiast, designer, or simply someone interested in learning more about clubhouse design, be sure to subscribe now to stay up to date on all our latest episodes and insights.
In today’s episode, titled “Designing for Accessibility: How to Create Safe Spaces for All Members,” we’ll discuss a crucial aspect of golf clubhouse design—creating spaces that are accessible and inclusive for all members. We’ll explore how thoughtful design choices can make a significant difference in ensuring that individuals with disabilities or mobility issues can enjoy the clubhouse experience to the fullest.
Before we delve into the specifics of designing for accessibility, it’s crucial to understand why this aspect holds such significance in clubhouse design. Accessibility goes beyond mere compliance with regulations; it’s about fostering inclusivity and ensuring that every member feels welcome and valued. When we prioritize accessibility in golf clubhouse design, we create spaces that cater to individuals with diverse abilities, allowing them to fully participate in and enjoy the clubhouse experience. It promotes a sense of belonging within the golfing community and breaks down barriers that may hinder some individuals from accessing and appreciating the facilities. By emphasizing accessibility, we contribute to a more equitable and inclusive golfing environment.
Ensuring accessibility in clubhouse design involves considering various factors. For example, entrances and pathways should be designed with mobility in mind, providing smooth and unobstructed routes for individuals using mobility aids such as wheelchairs or walkers. Additionally, golf clubhouses should incorporate features such as accessible parking spaces, ramps, elevators, and wide doorways to ensure easy navigation for everyone. By providing accessible amenities, including restrooms and seating areas, we create a more inclusive environment that accommodates individuals with different needs. It’s essential to recognize that accessible design is not an afterthought but an integral part of the overall clubhouse experience.
Designing for accessibility also extends beyond physical infrastructure. It involves creating an inclusive culture within the golfing community. This can be achieved by promoting awareness and understanding among members about the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities. By fostering an inclusive mindset, we create an environment where all members are respected and supported, regardless of their abilities. Accessibility in golf clubhouse design is a powerful way to break down societal barriers and ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to enjoy the game and the clubhouse facilities.
Now that we recognize the significance of accessibility, let’s explore some key considerations when designing golf clubhouses for all members. From entrances and pathways to amenities and facilities, there are several aspects to address. We’ll discuss the importance of accessible parking, ramps, elevators, and wide doorways to ensure easy navigation. Additionally, we’ll explore inclusive restroom facilities, seating areas, and technology adaptations that enhance the clubhouse experience for individuals with disabilities or mobility issues.
When it comes to designing accessible golf clubhouses, several key considerations should be taken into account. One crucial aspect is the layout and circulation within the clubhouse. It’s essential to ensure that pathways, corridors, and common areas are wide enough to accommodate wheelchair users and individuals with mobility aids. Ramps and elevators should be strategically placed to provide access to all levels of the clubhouse, enabling individuals with disabilities to navigate seamlessly. Designers should also pay attention to the height and positioning of countertops, tables, and other surfaces to ensure they are reachable for individuals in wheelchairs.
Restroom facilities play a vital role in creating accessible clubhouses. Designers should incorporate spacious and well-equipped accessible restrooms that comply with relevant accessibility standards. These facilities should have features such as grab bars, adequate maneuvering space, and accessible sinks, allowing individuals with disabilities to use them independently and comfortably. Additionally, incorporating gender-neutral or family restrooms can further enhance inclusivity by accommodating various needs.
Technology can also play a significant role in creating accessible clubhouses. From touchscreen interfaces to audio guides, incorporating assistive technology can greatly enhance the clubhouse experience for individuals with disabilities. For example, digital displays with adjustable font sizes or text-to-speech capabilities can make information more accessible to individuals with visual impairments. By leveraging technology, designers can provide innovative solutions that bridge gaps and enable all members to engage with clubhouse amenities and services.
To achieve truly inclusive golf clubhouse designs, it’s essential to collaborate with accessibility experts and consultants. In this segment, we’ll highlight the benefits of engaging professionals who specialize in accessibility to ensure compliance with regulations, incorporate best practices, and go beyond basic requirements. We’ll explore how their expertise can contribute to innovative design solutions that cater to a diverse range of needs.
Collaboration with accessibility experts and consultants is crucial when designing accessible golf clubhouses. These professionals bring specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of accessibility, ensuring that designs go beyond basic compliance and truly meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. By engaging accessibility experts from the early stages of the design process, designers can benefit from their insights and recommendations, resulting in more effective and inclusive solutions.
Accessibility experts can help navigate the complex web of accessibility regulations and guidelines. They stay up to date with the latest standards and ensure that designs adhere to local accessibility requirements. By working closely with these experts, designers can gain a deeper understanding of accessibility best practices, ensuring that all aspects of the clubhouse, from entrances to amenities, are designed to be inclusive and accessible to everyone.
Moreover, accessibility experts can provide valuable input regarding the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. They can offer guidance on specific design elements, such as the selection of appropriate materials, lighting choices, and acoustics, that contribute to an inclusive environment. Their expertise in universal design principles can result in innovative solutions that benefit all members, not just those with disabilities. By collaborating with accessibility experts, designers can create golf clubhouses that set new benchmarks for accessibility and serve as models for the industry
Now, let’s shift our focus to some inspirational examples of golf clubhouses that have successfully prioritized accessibility in their design. The article I wanted to discuss today demonstrates how thoughtful and inclusive design choices can transform clubhouses into spaces that cater to the needs of all members, regardless of their abilities. By highlighting these success stories, we aim to inspire listeners and encourage further advancements in accessibility within the golf clubhouse design industry.
This is an article from British Columbia Golf. By Leslie Dunning. The article is titled: Ideas To Make Your Course More Accessible
“People with disabilities are people first. Each of us knows someone who has difficulty with access, due to a congenital condition or because they have lost some ability because of illness, injury or age,” said Bel Jan. “The opportunity to enjoy golf provides wonderful social, recreational and healthful experiences for everyone. A welcoming and accessible golf facility can benefit economically through increased food and beverage, pro-shop sales and fees, as well as from the satisfaction of providing a valuable service.”
Obstacles can present barriers to people with disabilities in many aspects of their lives. Bel Jan believes the biggest obstacle may be that we are not comfortable in knowing how to treat people with disabilities. It is essential that everyone at a golf facility be trained to be aware of a person with a disability and to feel comfortable assisting them.
When in doubt, Bel Jan encourages using common customer courtesy. Because degrees of impairments vary, she suggests asking people with a disability if they need help before attempting to assist them, and then asking how you may assist. For formal training, Bel Jan has found that coaching done by people who have disabilities can be helpful.
“The opportunity to enjoy golf provides wonderful social, recreational and healthful experiences for everyone. A welcoming and accessible golf facility can benefit economically through increased food and beverage, pro-shop sales and fees, as well as from the satisfaction of providing a valuable service.” – Jan Bel Jan, Jan Bel Jan Golf Course Design
The range of disabilities is very broad and, while there are laws and codes to address building accessibility, foresighted golf facility operators can learn how to better accommodate golfers with a disability. Proper signage that directs patrons to the facility’s goods and services is beneficial to everyone. Golf course operators should ensure easy access to at least one teeing area per hole.
Creating additional tees, in a safe and accessible place, can meet this need. If readily achievable (with not much difficulty or expense), unobstructed golf cart access should be provided to all areas to be reached by the golfer. Golf cart paths should provide a modest slope for motorized vehicles, including for regular and single rider golf carts.
Ropes and GPS limits on carts can be barriers for those who need to get closer to the green for safety or for ease of access. Both can be adjusted – ropes can be lowered and replaced, and GPS units can be programmed for a specific cart. Red cart flags permit closer proximity to tees and greens and can help to improve access and speed of play.
Consider making a map of accessible routes that may include accessible tees, areas of the course to be avoided and bunkers that may be difficult to access or egress.
Another consideration on the course is providing accessible washrooms. If permanent facilities are not available, accessible port-a-potties can meet the need. Also, consider the heights and locations of water and other materials around the course. Where there are steep slopes or difficult-to-access bunkers, the facility can establish the use of the “Modified Rules of Golf for Players with Disabilities” developed by the R&A and USGA.
These Modified Rules permit a safe drop area away from the slope or outside the bunker, as well as other accommodations. When course renovations are undertaken, it is important to consider how to make the facility barrier-free.
Should a golf club or practice range want to encourage people with a disability to enjoy the game, inviting adult or children’s groups for clinics may inspire new golfers. Become familiar with programs in your area for people with disabilities. A golf facility could also establish a relationship with a rehabilitation hospital as part of their community outreach.
Golf can aid significantly in recovery through an outdoor experience, with a helpful focus on hand-eye coordination, improved balance, strength and flexibility as well as sense of purpose. All of these contribute to the wellbeing of the person with the disability as well as to family, friends and companions.
Finally, Bel Jan recommends that golf facilities audit themselves for accessibility, programs and training. They should include information on their website to promote their accessibility, as well noting any instruction, clinics or programs that may interest people with disabilities and their families.
“An ‘invitation’ is always a great way to make people feel welcome to your course,” said Bel Jan.
Glenn Babcock is the president of the Ontario Visually Impaired Golfers Association, serves as a director on the board of Blind Golf Canada and sits on the Human Resources Committee of Golf Canada. Babcock was born with his visual impairment. His father was a golf professional, so Babcock grew up around golf courses and had the benefit of learning to golf from a young age.
He says that some golfers are born blind or visually impaired, while others have lost their sight due to injury or illness, or simply as they age. For those who have lost their sight, being able to continue an activity that they enjoy is important to their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
There are many golfers whose vision loss requires them to seek assistance to play the game. Their “guide” may be a fellow golfer, a non-golfing friend or a family member committed to helping them enjoy the game. The guide helps the golfer get safely around the course, lines them up for each shot and provides information on distances and obstacles and, of course, the guide must also find the ball!
Staff at golf courses should understand this partnership of golfer and guide. Starters and marshals should be made aware of the presence of a “walker.” Groups may be slower, as it takes more time to set up a golfer who is blind or visually impaired. Babcock recommends asking the golfer about their speed of play and how much time they need for setup with their guide and then adjust the group size if necessary.
Some courses have recognized the challenges in arranging a game and offer incentives to encourage blind and visually impaired people to play. Two-for-one rates for the golfer and their guide, even if the guide is playing, are offered by some. Others offer a discount and one club even offers a complimentary nine-hole round for two golfers, and their guides, each week on Monday afternoons.
Kristian Hammerback is the president of the Canadian Amputee Golf Association and is a member of Golf Canada’s Amateur Competitions Committee. As a golfer who was born missing a limb, golf provided him with a childhood activity he could participate in with his friends.
He believes that it is important to provide golfing opportunities for people who are missing limbs or with reduced mobility and that it can be instrumental in getting back into life after an injury or illness.
Golfers with missing limbs or limited mobility may have challenges getting around the course and getting to the ball. They don’t like to play long rounds or slow play down for other golfers. Using carts or “solo rider” units, providing red flags and being lenient with cart rules will help to speed their play.
Hammerback, who has helped organize several tournaments for amputee golfers, has found that golf courses are always very helpful and “bend over backwards” to give the competitors a great experience. He encourages golf courses to promote golf participation for all, get involved with organizations for people with disabilities to offer golf clinics and partner with local rehabilitation facilities to provide golf opportunities as part of the recovery process.
Alain Turpin, the executive director of the Canadian Deaf Sports Association, says that the biggest challenge is communicating with deaf and hard of hearing golfers.
“Sometimes, it is difficult for pro-shop employees to communicate with deaf golfers who speak poorly or can’t speak and use language signs,” he said.
He recommends speaking face-to-face with deaf or hard of hearing golfers and writing simple messages on a sheet of paper to communicate.
When golfers who are deaf or hard of hearing take part in a sanctioned competition, it is important for the host committee to reserve a sign language interpreter. It makes a big difference for the deaf golfer to feel included and equal. As well, creating awareness for fellow competitors, competition officials and facility staff of the importance of face-to-face and written communication is essential.
Joe Kiraly, the outreach and communications manager for Soldier On, a program of the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group, attests to the impact that golf brings to the recoveries of veterans.
“Golf has been a surprising addition to my life following an injury resulting in physical limitations and loss of personal identity,” said Kiraly. “I saw how golf helped others and decided to try it myself.”
The Soldier On golf program, one of its most robust initiatives, is championed by Michael Feyko, who works at Royal Oaks Golf Club in New Brunswick. Feyko is a PGA of Canada teaching professional and a former soldier who used golf as an integral part of his own recovery from injury. The program began as a grassroots initiative to support Armed Forces personnel suffering loss of ability, loss of identity or loss of career and was found to help improve mental and physical health.
Kiraly reports golf clubs being very welcoming to ill and injured men and women. Many veterans who have experienced
sensory or mobility loss, or who have been suffering emotionally, have found golf to be an important component of their healing. With the support of the golf community, the Soldier On golf program is continuing to grow across the country, with three week-long camps planned in 2020.
While you may not have the opportunity to host the Invictus Games, you can make your club welcoming and accessible to all golfers and potential golfers. We all know people with a disability. Providing them the chance to learn the game or continue an activity they enjoy following the loss of ability is tremendously beneficial to them, their families and your club!
By showcasing these inspirational examples, we hope to inspire designers, architects, and golf club owners to prioritize accessibility in their projects. These success stories demonstrate that creating accessible and inclusive golf clubhouses is not only a legal and ethical responsibility but also a way to enhance the overall experience for all members, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity within the golfing community.
That brings us to the end of today’s episode on designing for accessibility in golf clubhouses. We’ve explored the importance of creating safe spaces for all members and discussed key considerations, the value of collaboration with accessibility experts, and showcased some inspiring examples. Remember, designing with accessibility in mind not only benefits individuals with disabilities or mobility issues but enhances the experience for all members.
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